Pool Maintenance

Maintaining your pool is not a fun thing to do. It is much better to enjoy your swimming pool and not have to deal with all the headaches and dirty work that comes with owning a swimming pool. Let our pool maintenance technicians take care of the difficult part of owning a pool for you. We offer competitive pricing on all Pool Maintenance plans so you won’t take a giant hit in the pocket book when we are maintaining your pool.We can make your life easier by just having your pool ready for your use anytime you want. We offer various pool and spa maintenance and cleaning packages for your convenience to fit your pool and spa needs. Cheapest prices and free estimates. Call us today!

Weekly Pool Cleaning

Chemical Balance Analysis
Chemical Adjustment (includes all chemicals except for algae treatments)
Water level adjustment *
Pool Equipment Checkup
Skim Surface
Brush Tiles *
Vacuum *
Empty skimmers
Empty pump basket
Empty pool cleaner bag/basket
Backwash filter*
*Note: some tasks will only be performed as needed

Bi-Weekly Pool CLEANING

Chemical Balance Analysis
Chemical Adjustment (includes all chemicals except for algae treatments)
Water level adjustment *
Pool Equipment Checkup
Skim Surface
Brush Tiles *
Vacuum *
Empty skimmers
Empty pump basket
Empty pool cleaner bag/basket
Backwash filter*
*Note: not all pools will qualify for this type of service.

Onetime Only Pool Cleaning

Skim surface
Brush tile & walls
Empty skimmers, pump basket, and pool cleaner bag
Adjust the water chemistry (chemicals are included)
Backwash filter
Adjust water level if needed